Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1983) – Cyndi Lauper

I was a boy once who wanted to have fun. And you know how I got my kicks?
You guessed it!
By hearing Girls Just Want to Have Fun. Woohoo! Interestingly the original version was from a male perspective, but Lauper, with her signature flair and uncanny knack for flipping the script, transformed it into a feminist anthem: A rallying cry for women everywhere, celebrating their right to have fun without being judged.
I could have rattled out copious reasons on why I was so fascinated with this song in my youth and spouted innumerable superlatives. I wonder how much of that could have been put down to hormonal shifts and testosterone. Or that the song was still fresh and ‘catchy’ as hell.
There is still some allure of it in my andropause…. so here goes…

“I wanted to make a song that people could relate to, something that felt good, but also had depth. ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’ was my way of saying, let’s not take ourselves too seriously—let’s enjoy life!” – Cyndi Lauper

The thing is folks. As alluded to in the opening stanzas above; Cyndi, the then-unknown artist didn’t write this song. It was written and demoed by Robert Hazard in 1979 then found and revived by Rick Chertoff and rewritten by Hazard (who retained all songwriting credits) for Cyndi Lauper. You can’t deny the inefable impact of Lauper’s exuberant delivery and playful demeanor with this. It resonated with millions and moreover became a staple for anyone feeling the need to break free from societal norms and pressures.

[Verse 1]
I come home in the mornin’ light
My mother says, “When you gonna live your life right?”
Oh, mama dear, we’re not the fortunate ones
And girls, they wanna have fun
Oh, girls just wanna have fun

[Verse 2]
The phone rings in the middle of the night
My father yells, “What you gonna do with your life?”
Oh, daddy dear, you know you’re still number one
But girls, they wanna have fun
Oh, girls just wanna have

That’s all they really want
Some fun
When the workin’ day is done
Oh, girls, they wanna have fun
Oh, girls just wanna have fun
(Read the remainder here)

Lauper, known for her eclectic style and vibrant personality, brought an energy to the studio that was contagious. The production, led by Rick Chertoff, embraced the new wave and pop-rock vibes of the era; incorporating synthesizers, jangly guitars, and a beat you couldn’t help but dance to, resulting in a song that felt both polished and effortlessly fun.

The release of Girls Just Want to Have Fun catapulted Cyndi Lauper into stardom. The single reached No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 and became a global hit, topping charts in over ten countries. Its music video (see below), features Lauper’s mother and wrestler Captain Lou Albano as her father.

1. Girls Just Want to Have Fun – Wikipedia

“The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.”- Michel Legrand

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13 comments on “Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1983) – Cyndi Lauper
  1. One of the best songs ever! You just have to sing along whenever and wherever you hear it playing.

  2. dylan6111 says:

    I always enjoy this song…

  3. While the song can’t deny it was born in the ’80s, I still have a bit of a weak spot for Cindy Lauper. I think she was kind of quirky. My two favorite songs she did are “Time After Time” and “True Colors”. I can also still listen to “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.” I like the song’s upbeat vibe.

    • Once upon a time I liked ‘Time After Time’ and ‘True Colours’, but now I’m way over them. But hey man I know how they are still cherished by many. I much prefer Eva Cassidy’s renditions of these songs.
      I think ‘Girls’ and ‘Goonies’ are the only ones from her I still find whets my music appetite.

  4. thesimlux says:

    Those were the days indeed! 😊

  5. Cyndi Lauper is seriously under-rated. Such a shame as she is a supremely talented artist who should be taken as seriously as she takes her many career choices. I love this woman.

    • I’m afraid I just like ‘Girls’ and ‘Goonies’ from her now. Her vintage classics like Time After Time and True Colours don’t resonate well with me now although I know they remain extremely popular. I much prefer Eva Cassidy’s versions of these. I’m glad you hold Cindy in such high esteem.

      • For the longest time I thought of her as just another ditz. Then I had the privilege of watching an interview with her. She not all crazy hair and funky clothes. She’s an artist, an articulate speaker (albeit with a strong for real Brooklyn twang) and she knows her craft inside and out. You won’t find me streaming Girls Just Want To Have Fun or Time After Time but I call ’em like I see ’em and Cyndi Lauper is a pro.

      • The mother of my kids is a big Cyndi fan. We watched at least one doco and concert film video of her performing – a fairly recent one. I don’t doubt her creds as a singer songwriter artist and performer, not to mention her legacy.

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