11/02 – 17/02 incl. The Bear Attack, Lou Reed & Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll

news on the march

Welcome to Monday’s News on the March – The week that was in my digital world.

 Article by Stacey E Bryan:

Alejandro G. Iñárritu’s “The Revenant” is featured on a random internet list as one of “15 great movies that are incredibly boring.”

I have three words to say to that. Three times: the bear attack. The bear attack. The bear attack.

Although the Arikara onslaught on the fur traders early in the film was an uber-realistic, white-knuckle event which is captured in an uninterrupted, continuous shot without cuts, in my opinion the bear attack on DiCaprio’s character Glass was the eye-boggling winner as far as effects go. I think I’ve seen that scene at least four or five times, and each time is as horrifying as the last....….… (Read  entire article).

Official video presentation at Lou Reed on MV:

It’s been a while since I’ve heard Lou Reed and I was pleasantly surprised when this popped up in my you tube feed. I was even more sore surprised to find it’s a superb show with great sound and visuals. Lou and the band are in fine form here..….(Watch entire concert)

Article by Stefania Gioffrè at e-Tinkerbell:

“Sex & drugs & rock & roll”  I remember Ian Dury sang some time ago. A mantra which has constituted for more than one generation the antidote to the homologation to middle class morality and values: family, a good job, a responsible life. Dull!! I am sure any of us has enjoyed a more or less long “sex & drugs & rock & roll ” phase in their life, the rebellious phase, when you want to break the world of OLD RULES, advocating one with NO RULES, till without even realizing it, you find yourself banging your head against the wall of NECESSARY RULES (better known as compromises), so the Hegelian phase of growing up comes to an end and you have become an adult, brand new middle class, of course......(Read entire article)

Short Story by Bruce Goodman at Weave a Web:

Heidi Windybank had three children to feed and she’d run out of money. She always put the children first. She’d fed them the last crumbs in the cupboard and now she herself was hungry. She had job interview after job interview. It was getting more and more difficult to look presentable at these interviews. It was getting impossible to pay for a bus ticket to the places of interview.

And suddenly! She got a job! It was cleaning rooms in a motel. She knew how to wield a scrubbing brush. She could make a bed to perfection…. (Read entire short story)

Stand Up comedy excerpt at Comedy Central Stand Up:

Andy Haynes considers the silver lining of a failing economy and explains how easy it is to hurt yourself or somebody else on an air mattress. Original airdate: June 14, 2013..….(Watch entire stand-up excerpt)

news on the march the end

“The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.”- Michel Legrand

Posted in Movies and TV, News, Reading
25 comments on “11/02 – 17/02 incl. The Bear Attack, Lou Reed & Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll
  1. Thanks for the promotion in this much-liked weekly roundup!

  2. badfinger20 says:

    I watched a lot of the Lou Reed concert. I like a lot of his stuff…not like Dylan…he does have some good music. He is more of an acquired taste to me…but over all songs like Sweet Jane and Waiting for my Man are great.

    • I always liked Lou and I heard him a lot when I was younger mainly because I was besotted by his obscene rendition of ‘Foot of Pride’ from Dylan’s 30th Anniversary concert. I prefer his to Bob’s performance I must say. Probably my favourite song of Lou’s is ‘Dirty Boulevard’, but I’m by no means cogniscent of everything the man’s done. Yes ‘Sweet Jane’ is great.

  3. selizabryangmailcom says:

    Yeah, thanks for the promo, Matt! That was a nice surprise.
    God, I love that movie.

    I can’t believe how swamped I’ve been this week that I haven’t been able to even read anyone’s blogs for five minutes, much less comment on them.

    I did read the short story (because it was short, ha ha) and immediately wanted to kill myself. Very depressing….but so true. I can’t even imagine the Catch 22 situation people are trapped in with the uncaring world responding with ludicrous behaviors instead of lucid, empathetic and healing ones.

    The standup looks VERY promising, but no time right now. Also the Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll article.

    It doesn’t seem like you took much time off from blogging. I hope you got enough mental relaxation! Was it enough? So much material you put out, so much information! (Not that we don’t appreciate it, of course) 🙂

    Okay, back to the trenches. Talk to you soon.
    Have a great weekend!

    • You’re welcome. I need to see the Revenant again again. I watched it a few times just after it came out, but haven’t seen it since.

      I don’t devote much time to blogging, perhaps one hour on average per day. Thanks for your kind words Amiga. Dale que te rinda!

  4. selizabryangmailcom says:

    🙂 🙂

  5. selizabryangmailcom says:

    Sex, Drugs & Rock N Roll….yeah. Interesting, the bohemians. VERY similar to the hippies, where they were going against the status quo….the rebellion happens….but then sort of peters out….

    A lot of people have classified the hippie movement here not as rebellion but just irresponsible activity by bored suburban kids. Because where are they now? They basically turned into yuppies of a sort. There are no old hippies around. Maybe sprinkled here and there, the hardcore types. But not in droves. It was a passing thing, a fad. And I was actually part of it, since my biological mother got knocked up while she was in school in Berkeley by my biological father, someone she knew her family would never accept, right in the middle of Haight Ashbury. And look how that turned out! Irresponsible? Yes! To the max! I think most of the *hippies* were just bored suburban kids looking for adventure. Not sure about the bohemians, but like the article said….they sort of just faded out too.

    It brings up the thought: what is true rebellion? Should it be lasting or is fly by night okay as long as you reach some people? Hmm, I wonder……..

    • The hippie movement it seems was a product of its time. A passing phase, but as you suggest the former hippies have transfigured into other entities and their remains very few of the original guard. It’s hard to categorise hippies except to say they seemed to be counter-establismnent. And I didn’t grow up during this period so I’m just gleaning this from everything I’ve seen. The fact that you went through it allows you to really process it and contribute to the discussion. I think many young people, say in their 20’s go through this rebellious – counter culture phase, but it’s a lot different in ‘nature’ between generations. The millenials for example are much more ‘environment and health conscious’ than previous counter culture generations. Each counter culture generation seems to bring about to varying extents necessary changes to the culture it is up against or which proceeded it. But there is a constant push-pull tug of war between the traditional establishment and the liberal socially enlightened. That’s a good thing in my book. As people grow older and take on responsibilities they seem to become more conservative in their outlook. I think that has a lot to do with why the rebellious phases are just that.. ‘phases’.

  6. selizabryangmailcom says:

    PS: I had to look up “dale que te rinda” and got the basic meaning of it….except I’m not sure what verb “dale” is from……….?

    • OK ‘Dale’ is (Da) (le) cojoined. So (Da) is the imperitive of the verb ‘Dar’ (to give) and (Le) is a pronoun. The phrase ‘Dale que te rinda’ is basically the equivalent of ‘Give it all you got’.

  7. selizabryangmailcom says:

    Oh, Dar, of course! How could I forget that?! My high school Spanish teacher would spit in my face, lol. I was in AP Spanish, btw, in high school AND college. But man…. if you don’t practice….it’s just GONE, isn’t it?!

    • I’m linguistically incompetent if it makes you feel any better. I only learnt it so I could survive lol. I loathed languages at school. You’re right… it requires daily practice and constant communication with a native language speaker.

  8. selizabryangmailcom says:

    It makes me feel a little bit better.
    Thanks, Matt, lol

  9. selizabryangmailcom says:

    I understood everything you said up there!

    I do know where you are! I’ll grab my English/Spanish dictionary and some sunscreen and be right over………. 🙂 🙂 🙂

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